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Huggable and Loveable XII You're Eggstrordinary Book Panel 36"x 44/45"-Studio E Fabrics-My Favorite Quilt Store

Huggable and Loveable XII You're Eggstrordinary Book Panel 36"x 44/45"

$13.00 / each

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Product Details

Sandra has once again come up with new and clever ways to entertain us with her fun children’s books. Huggable & Loveable 12 features six new books. Books include Bed Time Bunny, I Love You Even When You’re Crabby, I Dig You!, When I Grow Up I Want To Be Me, and You’re Eggstrordinary! There is also a new special panel with three small books (each 5” x 5”) for small hands along with a tote and toy!