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Conquering UFOs with Margo Part 1

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a stack of unfinished projects (UFOs) in your sewing room? You’re not alone! That’s why we’re kicking off our UFO series, designed to help you tackle those projects and turn them into stunning finishes you can be proud of.

In this episode, Margo joins Kelly to work through one of her UFOs. Together, they explored strategies to breathe new life into Kelly’s project.

Margo’s top tips included:

  1. Add Solids for Contrast: Busy prints can be gorgeous but overwhelming by adding solid fabrics they can create the contrast and provide a place for the eye to rest.
  2. Consider Adjusting the Pattern: Sometimes, a tweak in the design—like simplifying blocks or adding negative space—can make all the difference.
  3. Frame It with a Border: A well-chosen border can pull the entire quilt together, adding polish and a finished look.

Kelly left this session inspired and ready to take the following steps on her project. She’s now exploring a few creative options to bring out the best in her UFO. From experimenting with new layouts to playing with color placement, Kelly’s plan is coming together beautifully.

The beauty of tackling UFOs is rediscovering why you started them in the first place. Often, it’s a chance to fall in love with the project all over again, especially when you see how a few thoughtful changes can make it completely different.

Stay tuned for the next episode, where Kelly will share her detailed plan and latest progress updates. Margo will help her dive deeper into her choices and how Margo's advice helped! Together, we’ll conquer those UnFinished Objects and celebrate the joy of finishing!

Links to Products Mentioned:

Grab your UFOs and join us—let’s turn those projects into finished masterpieces!